- Solarus in 2024: retrospectiveHere is a recap of what happened for Solarus in 2024.
- Solarus in 2023: retrospectiveHere is a recap of what happened for Solarus in 2023.
- Release for The Labors of ZeldoThe third fangame by ZeldoRetro, following on from the previous ones, has been released.
- Zelda : Mercuris' Chest do the show!New pictures that unveil a day/night cycle for more immersion
- New pictures for Zelda : Mercuris' ChestWe are unvealing new pictures of our next creation with a widescreen format worthy of the name!
- Solarus was used to teach game development to childrenA one-week course, led by Christopho, allowed children to learn how to create a game.
- The Legend of Zelda: Mercuris' Chest finally in english!Without Google Translate
- Bugfix release 0.1.2 for The Legend of Zelda: Mercuris' Chest demoAgain a new patch of the demo!
- Bugfix release 0.1.1 for The Legend of Zelda: Mercuris' Chest demoA patch version that fixes a lot of bugs in the demo.
- Demo release for The Legend of Zelda: Mercuris' ChestWe were waiting since 2002... Today is the day!
- Release date for the demo of The Legend of Zelda: Mercuris' ChestMercuris' Chest is getting a demo, as previously announced in 2002.
- Solarus in 2022: retrospectiveHere is a recap of what happened for Solarus in 2022.
- A brand new website for Solarus!Christmas present for Solarus fans: a brand new website!
- Release date for The Legend of Zelda: Mercuris' ChestWe have an update to share about the launch timing of this much anticipated game.
- Solarus in 2021: retrospectiveIn 2021, Solarus was ported to Nintendo Switch! Here is a recap of what happened in 2021.
- Bugfix release 1.6.5 for SolarusA new bugfix release has been released for Solarus.
- Solarus was used by the INSEESolarus was used by the INSEE as part of R language training.
- Solarus in 2020: retrospective2020 was a great year for Solarus. Here is a recap of what happened last year.
- Ocean's Heart game releaseMax Mraz made the first Solarus game to be released on Steam!
- The Solarus logo is now MIT/CC-BY licensedThe Solarus logo can now be used in closed-source projects.
- Clarification about Solarus quest licensingWe often get asked about making a commercial game with Solarus. Here is some clarification.
- Yarntown quest releaseA hommage to Bloodborne in 2D by Max Mraz.
- Bugfix release 1.6.4 for SolarusA series of important bugfixes, along with a brand new free tileset.
- You can now shop Solarus goodies!Support Solarus by buying official Solarus clothing on Spreadshirt.
- Solarus Labs, a nonprofit organizationThe project is now backed by a nonprofit-organization named Solarus Labs.
- Game walkthroughs on the websiteThe website now features walkthroughs, and Mystery of Solarus DX is the first to come.
- Tutorials release on the websiteThe website now has a Tutorials section to feature the tutorials to learn to use Solarus.
- Chapter 1 release for Le Défi de ZeldoTwo years ago, ZeldoRetro made his first chapter of Le Défi de Zeldo. It is now publicly available!
- Solarus on RetroPieLatest Solarus Engine is now officially integrated into RetroPie.
- Bugfix release 1.6.2 for SolarusFixing some regressions following the last update.
- New Zelda resource packs are in the making.Tired of using A Link to the Past resources and seeing always the same tilsets and sprites?
- Bugfix release 1.6.1 for SolarusAn update that mainly fixes issues caused by the use of OpenGL.
- Chapter 2 release for Le Défi de ZeldoA new game made with Solarus has been released: the Chapter 2 of Le Défi de Zeldo!
- New website releaseThe new website is finally released, with lots of improvements!
- Video Ad for Chase Bliss AudioA video advertisement made with (almost only) Solarus.
- Solarus on Snap StoreSolarus is finally available on Snap Store and Ubuntu Software Center.
- Solarus 1.6 releasedMerry Christmas everyone! Today, we are proud to announce the release of Solarus 1.6!
- Solarus Chat has moved to DiscordWe were previously using Gitter to chat. However, it has multiple issues so we decided to move to Discord. You can now join the server to chat...
- Solarus has moved to GitlabWith the recent purchase of Github by Microsoft, the Solarus Team has decided to leave Github. We choose its alternative Gitlab, which we already...
- Children of Solarus (6th screenshot)Ahoy there! Here you have our 6th screenshot of the project Children of Solarus, which shows part of the castle map. From now on, we will post only 1...
- English release for Zelda XD2: Mercuris ChessWho said it was too late? It's never too late! Exactly one year after the original...
- Children of Solarus (5th fortnightly screenshot)Ahoy there! In this colorful screenshot of the project "Children of Solarus" we show part of the castle, still unfinished and yet splendid....
- Children of Solarus (4th fortnightly screenshot)Ahoy there again! Today we have our worst screenshot until now of the project Children of Solarus. But do not worry, because the next ones may have...
- Children of Solarus (3rd fortnightly screenshot)Ahoy there! Today, our new screenshot of the project Children of Solarus shows a delightful house, and a very suspicious clucko wandering around (who...
- Special screenshot: sample map of house tilesetGreetings, fellows! Today we have a special screenshot which shows a sample map made with our new inner house tileset. Similar house maps will appear...
- Children of Solarus (2nd fortnightly screenshot)Ahoy there! The Solarus Team has a second screenshot for you, from the project Children of Solarus. This time we show some houses of the village....
- Children of Solarus (1st fortnightly screenshot)The Solarus Team is gonna show you the progress on our first 100% original free game, Children of Solarus, with a new screenshot each two weeks. The...
- Solarus Press KitAs you may have noticed, Solarus recently got some spotlight thanks to several websites. PC Gamer made a interview of Christopho and talked about...
- Situation Review for Solarus projectsThis summer, the Solarus Team has been working hard on multiple projects in parallel. On the French website, The Legend of Zelda: Mercuris' Chest is...
- Zelda Mercuris Chess is out !The incredible just happened. Today we are able to offer you, and waaaaaay before the announced release date of 2023, the final version of our...
- Solarus official GitterWe created an official Gitter chat for things about Solarus. For the moment, there is only one room, the default one. Gitter is a popular chat whose...
- Bugfix release 1.5.2 and improved sample quest!A new bugfix release of Solarus, Solarus Quest Editor and of the Sample Quest was just published!A few annoying bugs were fixed.Additionally, we...
- Git repositories ownership changehttps://github.com/solarus-games Previously, the Git repositories were owned by christopho, our team leader. Please note that now, they have been...
- Zelda: A Link to the Past resource pack updatedThe Solarus resource pack of Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is regularly updated even if I don't always annouce it.
- Solarus 1.5 released, now with a quest launcher!On July 27th of 2006, I wrote the first commit of the Solarus project.10 years later, the project has grown a lot! Today, we are proud to announce...
- Solatrix, a next generation handheld console [April's Fools]NB: Clarification at the bottom of the article. For several years, we have been developing in great secrecy a project of unprecedented...
- Another update of our gamesHere is a small update of our games! Not a huge one, but it fixes the Italian translation of ZSDX and a few other issues. Changes in Zelda ROTH SE...
- Bugfix release 1.4.5, joypad supported in Zelda ROTHA new bugfix release of Solarus, Solarus Quest Editor and our games was just published! A bunch of bugs were fixed. Zelda Return of the Hylian can...
- Currently in development : Oni Link Begins remakeChristopho and Mymy have begun to work on Oni Link Begins, the sequel to Return of the Hylian. This is also an original game by Vincent Jouillat,...
- New games made with SolarusSolarus community had been very active for the last months. People started developing games and some are pretty far advanced. So we had to create a...
- Official Twitter accountSolarus has now an official Twitter account. It is no more Christopho's one, even if both are obviously tightly linked. You can now follow us if you...
- Zelda Return of the Hylian in EnglishZelda : Return of the Hylian is now available in English! The translation was imported from the original game that was already available in...
- Bugfix release 1.4.3 (engine and editor)Our new game Zelda Return of the Hylian (Solarus Edition) comes with a new bugfix release of Solarus and Solarus Quest Editor. A lot of issues that...
- New game release : Zelda Return of the Hylian (Solarus Edition)We are proud to announce the release of a new game ! It is called Return of the Hylian - Solarus Edition. However, it is not really a new game, since...
- Bugfix release 1.4.2A bugfix version of Solarus was just released! This is version 1.4.1 1.4.2. It fixes some important problems including a crash with doors or chest...
- Solarus 1.4 released, new quest editor!A new version of Solarus and Solarus Quest Editor is available: version 1.4! We have been working hard for the last few months to completely...
- Solarus 1.3 is out, now with a sprite editor!UPDATE: a bugfix version 1.3.1 was just released. It fixes an error when opening a newly created sprite, and improves the sorting of resources with...
- English tutorial!More and more people are interested in creating games with Solarus. However, there was a lack of tutorials to explain how to do it. There is a...
- Bugfix release 1.2.1A bugfix release named Solarus 1.2.1 is available! It addresses a few issues with recent features that were not working correctly, like custom...
- Custom entitiesIf you are developing a quest with Solarus, you will definitely be interested in lots of new features of Solarus 1.2. But the most important one is...
- Solarus 1.2 is out!After six months of development, we are proud to announce the release of the Solarus 1.2!Solarus now uses SDL2. Graphics are GPU-accelerated if...
- New design for the development blogAs the project grows and gets bigger, we thought it was important to get a new design for the development blog. Here it is ! We merged some pages to...
- Solarus 1.1.1 released, fixed wrong teletransportationAn update of Solarus, Zelda Mystery of Solarus DX and XD was just released! The main problem was a bug in Billy's cave in ZSDX. You could be...
- Android, Pandora and GCW-Zero ports!Solarus 1.1 now officially supports three new mobile systems! You have been waiting for a long time for the Android version. Thanks to Sam101, our...
- Solarus 1.1 released!The new version of Solarus is available now! The main change of Solarus 1.1 is that there are no more hardcoded menus in the engine: the dialog...
- Customizable game-over menu!The last built-in menu is not built-in anymore in Solarus 1.1! Now, when the life of the player reaches zero, an event game:on_game_over_started()...
- Solarus WikiChristopho began to make video tutorials about how to make a game with Solarus. However, these tutorials are, for the moment, only in French. To help...
- Ice, low walls and other improvements about groundsTwo new types of grounds (or terrains) are now implemented in Solarus 1.1, as well as improvements in the detection of the ground. Ice ground:...
- Solarus ForumsSince the Solarus 1.0 release, several people suggested that we create a forum. Here it is! http://forum.solarus-games.org/ We hope that the...
- New entity type: separatorsI have finished another new feature for Solarus 1.1: you can now separate a map in different regions. When you are in a region, you cannot see...
- Customizable dialogs!This is a very important new feature of Solarus 1.1. The dialog box system is now fully scriptable using the Lua API! It means that you can now make...
- New format of project_db.datSince Solarus 0.9.0, the format of most data files is being changed to be more readable, easier to parse and more homogeneous. In Solarus 1.0,...
- Maps have now a default destination entityHere is a small improvement that will ease the life of quest creators in Solarus 1.1, the future version of the engine.
- Controlling the quest size to obtain maximum portabilityMany new features are planned for Solarus 1.1. I will talk about the important ones whenever I implement them. The one I have been working on for...
- Solarus 1.0.4 released, fixed crashes in ZSXDAnd... Solarus 1.0.4 is out! Two crashes in ZSXD remained despite all my tests, and the customization screen of joypad commands was also...
- Solarus 1.0.3 released, no more blocked blocksDue to Murphy's law, I introduced an important bug at the very end of my tests, just before releasing Solarus 1.0.2. This bug made you fail to push...
- Solarus 1.0.2 released, ZSDX and ZSXD upgraded to the new engineAn update of Solarus 1.0, Zelda Mystery of Solarus DX and Zelda Mystery of Solarus XD is available! This update fixes a bunch of bugs of previous...
- A new design to celebrate Solarus 1.0.xAs you may have seen, Solarus 1.0.1 has just been released. The project is becoming quite big, as it incorporates an engine, 2 games (3 games soon)...
- Solarus 1.0.1 released An update of Solarus 1.0 is available! This update fixes a bunch of bugs of previous versions (some of them were very old!), and...
- The German release!As promised in my previous post, I have just released new versions of Zelda Mystery of Solarus DX, Zelda Mystery of Solarus XD and Solarus! These...
- Solarus 1.0.0 releasedThe "I love Lua" release. Good news! After a year and a half of hard work, the engine is now considered to be usable to make your own...
- Separating projectsI have just reorganized the git repository of Solarus. Our quests are now in separated git repositories. The main repository...
- Download pages updatedHello everyone, It is now easier to download the latest releases of our games. So far, there was no real download page here: you had to visit our...
- Solarus Lua API referenceThe new Lua scripting API discussed in my previous post is making good progress! I have written the full documentation. The goal of the Solarus...
- Work in progressFor you, gamers: ZSDX translations and ports A new version of Zelda Mystery of Solarus DX (1.5.2) should be available soon. I hope it will include...
- The Spanish release (beta)!A new version of Zelda Mystery of Solarus DX(version 1.5.1) is now available. It includes a beta version of the Spanish...
- Windows compilation finally documentedA few days ago, I received an e-mail asking how I proceed to compile Solarus under Windows. That's because the compilation instructions were very...
- The English release!We are proud to announce a new version of our main creation Zelda Mystery of Solarus DX. This is version 1.5.0, and the quest is now available in...
- New website nameHi, The English translation of Zelda Mystery of Solarus DX is almost done! I am currently testing the game in English to make a last check. The...
- English translation in progressHappy new year everyone :) As you may know, Zelda: Mystery of Solarus DX is now finished. The French version was released on December 16th,...
- Zelda Mystery of Solarus DX is almost finishedThe completed version of Zelda Mystery of Solarus DX will be available soon. Here is recent trailer showing a lot of game...
- Download ZSXD now!Our parodic creation Zelda Mystery of Solarus XD is now available in English, as announced in my previous post. You can find it on the download page...
- Coming soon: Zelda Mystery of Solarus XDYes, the title is correct: Zelda Mystery of Solarus XD, not DX! DX is in progress too, but this is not what I'm talking about today! Zelda Mystery...
- Enemy scripts... finished!Last week, I was thinking about the enemies system because one of the things I have to implement these days is the boss of the second dungeon. Then,...
- New equipment system finished, ZSDX is the priority in 2011Hi everyone, During the last months of 2010, I worked hard to move all the equipment stuff from the C++ engine to the data files. This work is...
- Solarus moves to Git and GitHubI have just switched the source code from Subversion to Git. The code can now be accessed on github, which provides a nicer interface for the history...
- Making the equipment independent of the engineUp to now, the equipment is hardcoded in the C++ engine. If you are developping your own quest with the Solarus engine, you cannot add new items or...
- The map editorSeveral people have contacted me to know if I use a map editor for Zelda: Mystery of Solarus DX. The answer is yes, and its source code is available...
- Quest files specificationThe project is making good progress these days, though it was hard for me during the last few months to find much time to work on Solarus, for...
- Zelda: Mystery of Solarus DX new trailerWe have just released a new trailer of Zelda: Mystery of Solarus DX. It contains various elements of the beginning of the game, including small...
- Technical documentationHi everyone, The blog is under construction and new pages may become available at any time. Today I am starting the technical documentation...
- WelcomeWelcome to the development blog of Solarus, the open-source Zelda-like 2D game engine. Solarus is the engine developed for the game Zelda: Mystery of...